We thank our friends for their support
A.P.A.D. wishes to express it sincerest gratitude for all the financial and non financial support we receive from organizations and businesses that support A.P.A.D. in their mission to find homeless dogs a forever home an that enable A.P.A.D. to continue and improve its activities, projects and programs
In particular we would like to thank the organizations below whose support is fundamental to the existence and continuity of A.P.A.D.
Anicura Marina Alta Veterinary Center
The Anicura Marina Alta veterinary center is located in Dénia, Alicante.
It is a primary care center that treats dogs, cats and exotic animals.
In the Marina Alta veterinary center they speak in Spanish, Valencian, French, English and German.
Teaming is a charitable initiative that was founded in 1998 and that helps us financially through micro donations of 1 Euro without any commissions.
Dog is Awesome
Dog is Awesome RESCUE is a project of the heart. When you order Dog is Awesome items, Dog is Awesome automatically donates 10% of it to the APAD shelter on the Costa Blanca in Spain. The wish behind this project is to be able to make the world a little bit better for abandoned animals. Visit the site if you need something for yourself or your dog.