Sponsor one (or more) of our dogs

You wish you could help one of our dogs by giving it a good home, but right now adopting a new dog is just not possible? Or maybe you are looking for the perfect gift for a friend or family member one who loves dogs?
You can help! Our homeless dogs stay with us until they are adopted. This means that sometimes they are with us for quite awhile and in some cases… forever. It can be quite challenging for A.P.A.D. to cope with the costs of providing our dogs with all the necessary veterinary care.

Please support us so we can continue to care for abandoned dogs
You can help us by becoming a special friend to one of our dogs and help us keep them happy and healthy until they find their forever home through sponsoring them.  The dog you choose will be your ´baby´ until we find a forever home for it and you will be able to follow its adventures through our updates with photos and videos. Of course we will inform you when your ´baby´ gets adopted so that we can share our happiness together. During the time of you sponsorhip your name will also show up on our website.

Help us with a sponsorship for ‘your dog’ in the shelter
You are welcome to visit A.P.A.D. to choose which dog you would like to sponsor or maybe you have already found a dog that touches your hart on our website.

We treat all our dogs equally whether it is sponsored or not and your sponshorship is used towards the costs for their veterinary care like vaccinations, analytics for illnesses like leishmaniosis, ehrlichiosis, bloodtests for ill dogs, surgery, etc.

Determine the amount of your sponsorship yourself
Starting from 8 € per month you can sponsor a dog, in addition you are invited to determine the amount of the contribution with which you want to support your selected dog yourself.
